iOS 6.x Jailbreak ‘evasi0n’ Due For Release Tomorrow – Supports All iOS Devices Running iOS 6.0 to 6.1

Good news for all the jailbreakers!

The iOS 6.x jailbreak is just round the corner with ‘evasi0n’ – the code name for the latest iOS jailbreak – due for a public release tomorrow (Sunday, the 03rd Feb, 2013).

The evad3rs launched their official website this week where they revealed the name of their first jailbreak as a team – ‘evasi0n‘ is what it’s called!

evad3rs is a team of hackers comprising musclenerd, pod2g, planetbeing and pimskeks and the first jailbreak from them is a big one – the most anticipated jailbreaks ever!

Apple has recently been making strong efforts to increase the security in it’s mobile operating system making it difficult to jailbreak. But, if Apple is smart, I would say we have a stong community of hackers around who have again found that one loophole needed to jailbreak the OS.

As mentioned on the iOS 6.x jailbreak website, evad3rs are 80% through with the jailbreak and the release for tomorrow (Sunday) is highly likely with extended beta testing in progress today.

[Update 1iOS 6.x Jailbreak ‘evasi0n’ is now 85% complete! More details here.

Update 2: evasi0n iOS 6.x Jailbreak is now 91% complete and ready for a public release tomorrow (Monday, 04 Feb 2013. More details here!]

80%: Private beta testing has started for OS X, Windows and Linux. Come back soon!

Next step: extended beta testing

evasi0n - iOS 6.x jailbreak for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Below are the requirements to be fiulfilled to jailbreak your iOS 6.x device as mentioned on the jailbreak website:

  • 5 minutes of your time!
  • A computer, running Windows (XP minimum), Mac OS X (10.5 minimum) or Linux (x86 / x86_64)
  • An iPhone, iPad or iPod running iOS 6.0 through 6.1 (you may check in Settings / General / About => Version)
  • A USB cable to connect the device to the computer

For the first time, a jailbreak is going to support all of the iOS devices running on iOS 6.0 to iOS 6.1. evasi0n is compatible with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 6.0 through 6.1.

If you have not been following the jailbreak news for the last couple of weeks, iOS 6.x jailbreak is one of the most awaited jailbreaks and with the first jailbreak complatible with all the iOS devices at once, it is going to be really interesting to see the response it gets from the public!

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