One Million A5 Devices Jailbroken in 3 Days

Sometime back, we informed you about Absinthe – Greenpois0n’s Jailbreak tool for the A5 devices. This is the very first successful jailbreak for iPhone 4S, untethered or otherwise and has been very well taken by the iPhone community who had been long waiting for the jailbreak.
The A5 chip and the firmware it came with, proved tough to crack for the jailbreak community but finally after long wait of around 4 months, the hard work of pod2g and other devs paid off and finally untethered jailbreak for the A5 devices was made available to the public.
As the iPhone users had been eagerly waiting for this jailbreak to be released, as soon as the untethered jailbreak was released for the A5 devices in the form of Greenpois0n’s Absinthe tool, it got a very good response from the iPhone community which is evident from the outstanding figures which have been published by the iPhone dev team.
Since friday morning, when the Jailbreak tool was first made available to the users, below is the breakdown of users who have jailbroken their A5 devices till Monday afternoon:
- 491,325 new iPhone4,1 devices
- 308,967 new iPad2 devices
- 152,940 previously jailbroken (at 4.x) iPad2 devices
Total: 953,232 new A5 jailbreaks in a little over 3 days
As mentioned on iPhone Dev Team blog, these numbers are very precise because of a housekeeping activity that happens when you launch Cydia, which involves querying @saurik’s server for the list of available SHSH blobs.
Have you jailbroken your A5 devices? If not, when do you plan to do so?